Broken Text Effect Wallpaper

Hey Guys, for the first Photoshop Tutorial of the year, I'm going to teach you how to create a wallpaper with text breaking in different parts using a lot of the polygonal lasso tool and some texture.

  • Resources needed:
  • textures 99 by *Sanami276 LINK

Final Result Preview


Step 1: THE New Document and Background Colour

Let's Start by opening photoshop and create a new document, I choose 1440x900px with a transparent background. Then fill the background with a pink colour, I used #ec297b, go to Edit - Fill - Color and rename the layer Background.

Step 2: Text Part 1

Let's start by writing some text on the wallpaper, I wrote RNELdotNET with the Arial Black font in black, write whatever you want, you can also use another font. Next Merge all the text layers if you got more than one, select all the text layers and go to Layer - Merge Layers or Ctrl+E. Rename the layer Text or like me RNELdotNET.

Step 3: Text Part 2

Now we've got our text, let's break it apart using the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L), start by making a selection of a part of the text that you want to move apart from the main part of the text, then select the Move Tool (V) and move this part where you want it to be.
Repeat the same process using the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) and the Move Tool (V) a few more times to break the text some more. Move at least one part of each letters so the effect is on all the text.
 Now let's delete some parts of the text, reselect the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L), then select some small parts of the letters and delete them using the Delete Key on your keyboard.

Step 4: Pikes

Let's add some details on the text; I added some small pikes on the letters to give a more breaking effect. To create the pike, first create a new layer, select the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) and create triangle selection for the pike shape next fill this selection with black, Edit - Fill - Black.
Duplicate the pike layer a few times; I added 9 pikes on the text. Place those pikes on the letters using the Move Tool (V) and the Free Transform Tool (Ctrl+T) to resize or rotate the pikes. When you're done place all the pikes layers in a new group rename the group Pikes. When you're done select the text layer and pikes group and Merge them.


Step 5: White Text

For the purpose of the tutorial I created the text in black you could see all the details, now let's change the colour of the text to white. I've added a Color Overlay layer style on the text layer, Layer - Layer Style - Color Overlay and choose white for the colour.

Step 6: Text Blur and Shadow

Duplicate the text layer and place the new one under the original text layer, next apply a Gaussian Blur filter, Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur on this layer with a 10px radius, next rename this layer Text Blur and change its Opacity to 30%.
 Next duplicate the original text layer one more time, place it under the Text Blur layer, and using the Move Tool (V), move the text on duplicated layer a little bit on the bottom right, this will give a shadow effect, to finish change the colour on the Color Overlay layer style from white to purple, I used #90278e.

Step 7: Grunge Texture

Let's add some grunge/dirt feeling on this wallpaper, I used a grunge texture I found on deviantART in a texture pack called textures_99_by_Sanami276, you can find the link of the pack in the Resources Needed section, when you've downloaded the texture pack, choose a texture, I used number 4. Open the texture in Photoshop and drag it into the wallpaper document. Use the Free Transform Tool (Ctrl+T) to resize or rotate it. Rename the texture layer Dirt Texture and change its Blending Mode to Screen.

Final Result

That's it for this first tutorial of the year, Just using some simple tools and vibrant colours we've created a nice looking Wallpaper, I hope you've enjoyed reading this tutorial and learned some new tricks

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